Monday, July 14, 2008

2001: A Forthcoming Explanation

As I mentioned over on Craig Kennedy's Living in Cinema, this weekend I watched Stanley Kubrick's brilliant 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time in about a decade. While watching it, I had the epiphany. Suddenly, the film completely made sense. Yes, even the ending. Especially the ending. I have a great theory about that.

In addition, the often barren 10-hour drive between El Paso and Dallas offers a wonderful opportunity to work out the details and implications. I was sitting in a restaurant in Van Horn, Texas, a desert town with a population of 300, and I'm pretty sure that I was the only person with the explanation for 2001 sitting in his notebook on the table.

Anyway, I've written up a couple drafts of an essay. I should have the final version up in a day or two.


Anonymous said...

I really want to hear what you think the movie is about, since it's one of the biggest mysteries of the 20th century. I really don't know what it is about, but have retained my right to love it anyway. I think not knowing what it is about augments my love for it, if not makes it up entirely.

K. Bowen said...

Well, I wouldn't say that I have THE answer. Just a provocative take that hopefully people will find interesting.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to hearing this KB. Based on your thoughts on New World, this should be good. I'm tempted to revisit the movie again so it's fresh.

K. Bowen said...

Well, now I'm nervous. I hope I haven't built this up too much.

Anonymous said...

Don't sweat it. I know I'm always uncomfortable passing opinions on the classics, but hurry up and write it down while you're still feeling the juice from the epiphany.

K. Bowen said...

It's in the hopper.