Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Whoops, this needs a title

I was going to write up this morning how I think Christian Bale is getting the short end of the stick in analysis of The Dark Knight, how if we were not there, we would probably notice. Instead, we're all talking about how Bale has been arrested on a charge of assault involving two female members of his family. Details are sparse in the reports. An arrest is not an indication of guilt, and all that ...

Gotta wonder how this, if it keeps going, will affect plans for a third film. Whispers about a Batman "curse" should start in 4, 3, 2 ...

UPDATE: A few finer point of British law ... they arrest you first, then they question you, which apparently is what happened. Second, the meaning of assault in this case is the traditional one - verbal assault. Apparently arguing with your relatives is still an area of concern for the British state.

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