Monday, December 24, 2007

Scarface and Christmas

So I did last minute Christmas shopping today. My father, upon arrival home, shoved a couple of gift cards in my hand for Mervyn's, the Food Lion of mall department stores. So I took them and bought a bunch of solid anonymous stuff for my family. If you have any question about what kind of shopping season this is economically, note that this place was already selling at after-Christmas prices. Who knows what they're going to do Wednesday.

The thing is, one item I noticed was a matching pyjama top and bottom set with the motif of, curiously, Scarface. Because nothing says the birth of the Savior of Mankind like a violent movie that was nearly rated X at the time of release. I'm perplexed by the continuing interest in this movie. How? Why? Not so much wondering whether it's good or not. Just wondering what it is about the movie that equates to making theme PJs 25 years after its release. Any insight would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Pinko Punko said...

It's quotable and the dialog is sample-able. In a word: rappers.